TeachME Professional Development

Community Strategies To Reduce Obesity

1. Being obese or overweight increases the risk of all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Heart Disease B. Type 1 diabetes C. Some Cancers D. Stroke

2. The goal of the CDC's Measures Project was to identify and recommend a set of obesity prevention strategies and corresponding suggested measurements that health care professionals could use to prevent and treat obesity.

A. True B. False

STEP 2-Strategy Prioritization and Selection-BOX 1

3. Which of the following criteria were used to rate each obesity reduction strategy:

A. Reach and transferability B. Mutability and effect size C. Utility and feasibility D. A and B E. B and C

Recommended Strategies and Measurements to Prevent Obesity

4. For persons to make healthy food choices, healthy food options must be available and _________.

A. Convenient B. Appealing C. Accessible D. Presentable

Communities Should Increase Availability of Healthier Foods in Public Service Venues

5. Public service venues that influence the availability of healthier foods include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Church youth groups B. After school programs C. Child care centers D. Juvenile detention centers

Communities Should Improve Availability of Affordable Healthier Food

6. Healthier foods are generally more expensive than less-healthy foods, which can pose a significant barrier to purchasing and consuming healthier foods.

A. True B. False

Communities Should Improve Geographic Availability of Supermarkets -Evidence

7. One cross-sectional study of approximately 70,000 adolescents found that greater availability of supermarkets was associated with lower adolescent BMI scores and that a higher prevalence of convenience stores was related to higher BMI among students.

A. True B. False

Communities Should Provide Incentives to Food Retailers-Evidence

8. Studies indicate that the association between supermarket availability and weight was stronger for Hispanic students compared with white and black students.

A. True B. False

Improve Availability of Mechanisms for Purchasing Foods from Farms-Evidence

9. Extensive evidence supports a direct link between purchasing foods from farms and improved diet.

A. True B. False

Incentives for the Production, Distribution, and Procurement of Foods from Local Farms

10. A geographic area that supplies a population center with food is known as a:

A. A growing cooperative B. A streamlined center C. A foodshed D. None of the above

Availability of Less Healthy Foods and Beverages in Public Service Venues-Evidence

11. Federal nutritional guidelines prohibit the sale of foods of ____________ in school cafeterias while meals are being served.

A. High fat content B. High sugar content C. High calorie density D. Minimal nutritional value

Institute Smaller Portion Size Options in Public Service Venues-Overview

12. Portion size can be defined as:

A. The amount of food required to make the person full B. The amount (e.g. weight, calorie content, or volume) of a single food item served in a single eating occasion (e.g. a meal or a snack) C. The amount of food for daily health eating as defined by the American Dietetics Association daily food pyramid D. None of the above

Limit Advertisements of Less Healthy Foods and Beverages-Overview

13. In 2006, major food and beverage marketers spent _____billion dollars to promote food and beverage products among children and adolescents in the United States.

A. 1.2 B. 1.9 C. 1.4 D. 1.6

Discourage Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages-Suggested Measurement

14. One recommended strategy to help combat obesity is that licensed child care facilities within the local jurisdiction be required to ban sugar-sweetened beverages, including flavor sweetened milk and 100% juice.

A. True B. False

Communities Should Increase Support for Breastfeeding-Evidence

15. One study found that breastfeeding infants were _____ less likely to be obese than formula-fed infants, and that each additional month of breastfeeding was associated with a ____ decrease in the risk of obesity.

A. 10-13; 5% B. 13-18; 7% C. 13-22; 4% D. 13-20%; 8%

Communities Should Require Physical Education in Schools-Overview

16. One objective of Healthy People 2010 was to increase the proportion of the nation's public and private schools that require daily physical education for all students.

A. True B. False

Increase the Amount of Physical Activity in PE Programs in Schools-Suggested Measurement

17. Measurement criteria recommend that public school students to be physically active for at least 50% of time spent in PE classes.

A. True B. False

Increase Opportunities for Extracurricular Physical Activity-Evidence

18. The Promoting Life Activity in Youth (PLAY) program is designed to teach active lifestyle habits to children and help them to accumulate 30-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day.

A. True B. False

Reduce Screen Time in Public Service Venues-Evidence

19. The American Academy of Physicians recommends that parents limit children's television time to no more than ___ hours per day.

A. 1 B. 1.5 C. 2 D. 2.5

Improve Access to Outdoor Recreational Facilities-Evidence

20. Which of the following is NOT an intervention to increase physical activity?

A. Creating walking trails B. Giving bus vouchers to low income individuals so they may access healthy activities C. Creating side-by-side use paths D. Building exercise facilities

Improve Access to Outdoor Recreational Facilities-Evidence

21. Evaluation of the Marin County Safe Routes to School Program indicated that identifying and creating safe routes to school, together with educational components, increased the number of students walking to school.

A. True B. False

Support Locating Schools within Easy Walking Distance of Residential Areas-Evidence

22. A study conducted by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) suggests that the trend of building larger schools with larger catchment areas should be reversed to locate schools within neighborhoods.

A. True B. False

23. Among students living within 1 mile of school, the percentage of walkers fell from _______ % between 1969 and 2001.

A. 80 to 18 B. 85 to 22 C. 87 to 35 D. 90 to 31

Improve Access to Public Transportation-Evidence

24. In a study that analyzed data from the National Household Travel Survey, researchers indicated that 29% of individuals who walk to and from public transit achieve at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity.

A. True B. False

Zone for Mixed-Use Development-Overview

25. Multi-use developments increase the distance between destinations, which has been shown to increase the number of trips persons make by auto and decrease the number of trips by foot or bicycle.

A. True B. False

Enhance Personal Safety in Areas Where Persons Are or Could Be Physically Active-Evidence

26. One study indicated that the incidences of violent crimes were associated with lower physical activity in:

A. Adolescent boys but not in girls B. Adolescent girls but not in boys C. Adolescent boys and girls D. None of the above

Enhance Traffic Safety in Areas Where Persons Are or Could Be Physically Active- Suggested Measurement

27. To meet the criteria for this measurement, local governments must incorporate which of the following elements to enhance traffic safety for pedestrians:

A. Specify that "all users" includes pedestrians, bicyclists, transit vehicles and users, and motorists of all ages and abilities B. It must be adoptable by all agencies to cover all roads C. Complete Streets solutions must fit within the context of the community D. All of the above

Participate in Community Coalitions or Partnerships-Overview

28. Each of the following are stakeholders in community coalitions aimed at obesity prevention EXCEPT:

A. Health-care professionals B. Entertainment industry C. Faith-based organizations D. Tobacco corporations

29. Obesity prevalence doubled during 1980-2004, and recent data indicate that an estimated 26% of U.S. adults are overweight and 28% are obese.

A. True B. False

Next Steps

30. A major goal of obesity prevention strategies and proposed measurements is to inspire communities to consider implementing new policy and environmental change initiatives aimed at reversing the obesity epidemic.

A. True B. False

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