TeachME Professional Development

A Practical Guide to Breastfeeding

Why Breastfeeding is Important

1. Compared to breast-fed babies, formula-fed babies have higher risks of each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Ear infections and diarrhea B. Necrotizing enterocolitis C. Upper respiratory infections D. Asthma and obesity

Mothers Benefit from Breastfeeding

2. Breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, breast and ovarian cancer, and postpartum depression in women.

A. True B. False

Breastfeeding Benefits Society

3. Recent research shows that if 90 percent of families breastfed exclusively for 6 months, nearly 500 deaths among infants could be prevented, and the United States would also save $11 billion per year.

A. True B. False

How Breast Milk is Made

4. Alveoli in the breast make milk in response to the hormone oxytocin, and another hormone, prolactin causes small muscles around the cells to contract and move the milk through a series of tubes called milk ducts.

A. True B. False

Learning to Breastfeed

5. In order to get off to a good start with breastfeeding, it is important to:

A. Breastfeed as soon as possible after birth and ask for an on-site lactation consultant for assistance B. Ask the staff not to give your baby a pacifier, or other food or formula unless it is medically necessary C. Allow your baby to stay in your hospital room all day and night so that you can breastfeed often D. All of the above

6. It is recommended that mothers breastfeed as soon as possible after birth, then breastfeed at least 8 to 12 times every 24 hours for 15 to 20 minutes or longer per breast.

A. True B. False

Breastfeeding Holds

7. The cross cradle or transitional hold is useful for mothers who had a c-section and mothers with large breasts, flat or inverted nipples, or a strong let-down reflex.

A. True B. False

How Long Should I Breastfeed?

8. Many leading health organizations recommend that most infants breastfeed for at least ___ months, with exclusive breastfeeding for the first ___ months.

A. 18; 12 B. 15; 9 C. 12; 6 D. 9; 3

How Much do Babies Typically Eat?

9. Once breastfeeding is established, exclusively breastfed babies from 1 to 6 months of age take in between 19 and 30 ounces per day.

A. True B. False

Challenge: Low Milk Supply

10. There may be times when a mother thinks her supply of milk is low, but it is actually just fine, and checking the baby's weight and growth is the best way to make sure he or she is getting enough milk.

A. True B. False

Challenge: Breast Infection (Mastitis)

11. A breastfeeding mother should contact a doctor for each of the following reasons EXCEPT:

A. She has a breast infection in which both breasts look affected B. If she does not feel better within 48 hours of trying to massage the area, applying heat, and breastfeeding often on the affected side C. If she has a fever or red streaks near the affected area D. The symptoms come on severely and suddenly

Challenge: Nursing Strike

12. A baby who has been breastfeeding well for months and then suddenly begins to refuse the breast is likely indicating that he or she is ready to wean.

A. True B. False

Common Questions

13. If a pacifier is going to be introduced to the baby, it is best to wait until he or she is one month old to allow the baby to learn how to latch well on the breast and get enough to eat.

A. True B. False

What Should I Do if I Have Postpartum Depression?

14. Postpartum depression is different from the baby "blues" in that it is less common, more serious, and can last more than two weeks.

A. True B. False

Reflux Disease

15. Which of the following is NOT a likely symptom of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)?

A. Irregular bowel movements or constipation B. Severe spitting up, or spitting up after every feeding or hours after eating C. Refusal to eat or pulling away from the breast during feeding D. Gagging or choking, or problems swallowing

Breastfeeding During Pregnancy

16. Although it is safe to breastfeed during pregnancy, if a mother is having problems in the pregnancy such as uterine pain or bleeding, a history of preterm labor, or difficulty gaining weight, the doctor may advise her to wean.

A. True B. False

Tips for Thawing and Warming up Milk

17. Breast milk that has been chilled should always be warmed before being given to the baby, and should be used within 48 hours of being thawed.

A. True B. False

Nutrition and Fitness

18. Breastfeeding mothers should be able to continue to eat the foods they enjoy and should:

A. Stay hydrated by drinking two glasses of water or another beverage each time they breastfeed B. Limit coffee or other caffeinated beverages to 1 to 2 cups per day C. Not attempt to replace healthy food choices with vitamin and mineral supplements D. All of the above

19. Experts recommend that breastfeeding mothers eat approximately 6.5 ounces of lean meats and beans and 8 ounces of grains per day.

A. True B. False

Handling Stress

20. New mothers should listen to their bodies to determine if stress is affecting their health, and should be open to getting help from a professional if needed.

A. True B. False

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