TeachME Professional Development

Addressing Common Core Standards

1. Which of the following is NOT one of the areas that the Common Core State Standards Movement is currently concerned with?

A. Curriculum and teaching B. Learning supports to address factors that interfere with learning and teaching C. Involving students and parents in the development of the standards D. School governance/management

About Core Standards for Curriculum

2. Common core standards, which will be federally mandated, are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in higher education.

A. True B. False

Exhibit 1. Model Core Teaching Standards: A Resource for State Dialogue

3. Key themes running through the teaching standards are personalized learning for diverse learners, a stronger focus on application of knowledge and skills, and:

A. A collaborative classroom culture B. Enhancing leadership roles for students C. Maintaining multi-faceted teaching strategies D. Improved assessment literacy

Core State Standards for Curriculum and Teaching are Not Enough

4. Given that learning and teaching are nonlinear, dynamic, transactional, and spiraling processes, personalization must strive to match learner differences with respect to both current capabilities and motivation.

A. True B. False

Examples of Risk-Producing Conditions that Can be Barriers to Learning

5. Neighborhood environmental factors that can be barriers to learning include:

A. Extreme economic deprivation B. Negative encounters with peers &/or inappropriate peer models C. Inadequate provision for quality child care D. Abusive caretaking and poor modeling

About Core Standards for Learning Supports: Implications for the Common Core Movement

6. The fundamental problem with the current core state standards movement is that the standards fail to deal with the reality of factors that interfere with successful teaching and working with students who are manifesting moderate to severe learning, behavior, and emotional problems.

A. True B. False

Enabling or Learning Supports Component to Address Barriers and Re-Engage Students in Classroom Instruction Desired

7. Outcomes for all students include academic achievement, as demonstrated by grades and test scores, psychological well-being, and successful transition to levels of higher learning.

A. True B. False

Concluding Comments

8. Initiatives are needed to help school personnel work to prevent and ameliorate barriers which contribute to designating so many students as having learning, behavior, and emotional problems and to enhance achievement for all, as well as:

A. Closing the achievement gap B. Reducing dropout rates C. Increasing the view of schools as treasures in their neighborhood D. All of the above

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