TeachME Professional Development

Sexual Harassment in Schools


1. Public and private education institutions receiving federal funds must comply with Title IX regulations in order to ensure thats students are protected from harassment connected to any academic, educational, extracurricular, or athletic programs.

A. True B. False

Part One: Defining Sexual Harassment-What is Sexual Harassment?

2. Examples of sexual conduct include:

A. Making sexual propositions, pressuring students for sexual favors, and touching of a sexual nature B. Writing graffiti of a sexual nature and displaying or distributing sexually explicit drawings, pictures, or written materials C. Circulating or showing e-mails or Web sites of a sexual nature D. All of the above

Must the Sexual Conduct Be Unwelcome?

3. Relevant factors that indicate whether or not a student was capable of welcoming sexual conduct include previous intimate experiences and the student's gender.

A. True B. False

Can Young School Children Engage in Sexual Harassment?

4. When determining whether a young child has committed sexual harassment, it is important for teachers and school administrators to:

A. Interview as many credible witnesses as possible B. Evaluate the child's mental and emotional heath C. Use good judgment and common sense D. None of the above

Part Two: Responding to Sexual Harassment

5. After notification of alleged sexual harassment, school personnel should begin to gather information, but should wait until the victim files a formal complaint before conducting an investigation.

A. True B. False

What if the Victim Requests Confidentiality or Asks That the Complaint Not Be Pursued?

6. If a victim requests confidentiality in a sexual harassment investigation, the school must weigh the confidentiality request against each of the following factors EXCEPT:

A. Seriousness of the alleged harassment B. Credibility and objectivity of the parties involved C. Age of harassed student D. Other complaints suggesting that the same individual has harassed others

What Actions, If Any, Should Schools Take While Investigating a Complaint?

7. It is good practice for schools to keep the student who alleged the harassment informed of the status of the investigation.

A. True B. False

What are Some Examples of the Steps a School Should Take to End Harassment and Prevent It From Happening Again?

8. After a harassment issue has occurred, school officials will likely implement prevention strategies for the future, which may include each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Counseling B. Discipline C. Further separation of the victim and harasser D. Face to face interaction among the involved parties

Part Three: Reporting and Preventing Sexual Harassment

9. Schools must ensure that employees clearly understand the extent of their responsibilities for reporting sexual harassment, and there must be a Title IX coordinator available to assist in response and prevention.

A. True B. False

What are Grievance Procedures?

10. A school's internal grievance procedures must provide for ________________ resolution of complaints of sex discrimination.

A. Impartial and reasonable B. Timely and relevant C. Prompt and equitable D. Neutral and auspicious

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