TeachME Professional Development

Summarizing Interventions to Prevent Gang Membership

1. In order to facilitate a significant and lasting reduction in youth gang activity, practitioners like teachers, police officers, community service providers and health care workers, as well as those who make decisions about how limited resources are allocated, need to be involved.

A. True B. False

The Attraction of Gangs

2. Experts point to the many attractions of gang membership, including providing a support system, relationships, protection, and status, and for some, it offers an opportunity to take a stand against society.

A. True B. False

The Role of Public Health

3. Although gang membership has traditionally been viewed from a public safety perspective, experts believe that public health professionals need to be involved in adopting an approach that involves each of the following steps EXCEPT:

A. Describe and monitor the problem B. Identify the risk and protective factors C. Develop and evaluate appropriate treatment strategies, focusing on punitive interventions when necessary D. Ensure widespread implementation

The Role of Law Enforcement

4. One way that law enforcement professionals can enhance gang prevention strategies is to use the Scanning, Analyzing, Responding, Assessing (SARA) model, which calls for scanning other agency policies, analyzing problems through the most relevant source of information rather than through several sources, responding to gang problems, and assessing the effectiveness of the response.

A. True B. False

Understanding the Role of Child Development

5. Joining a gang should be understood as part of a life course that begins when a child is born, and children as young as three years old begin to experience risk factors that include poor parental monitoring, deficits in social information-processing skills, antisocial beliefs, and negative relationships with family members and peers.

A. True B. False

The Role of Families

6. Effective parenting and strong family functioning, with warm affective bonds, __________________, and consistent discipline, protect against a variety of antisocial and problem behaviors, such as involvement with delinquent peers and subsequent likelihood of gang membership and violence.

A. Modeling of positive behavior B. Active support of education and extracurricular activities C. Appropriate boundaries D. High monitoring

The Role of Schools

7. A recent nationwide study of secondary schools determined that approximately 50% of principals surveyed from schools with gang problems (defined as more than 15 percent of students reporting they belonged to a gang) said their school had a problem and were anxious to be involved in a prevention program

A. True B. False

The Role of Communities

8. In order to effectively involve communities in prevention strategies, it is recommended that the existing strengths of the community be enhanced, along with focusing on a need for multifaceted prevention efforts that are grounded in:

A. Collaboration among the various stakeholders B. Effective research-based practices C. Family-focused cooperation D. All of the above

Preventing Girls From Joining Gangs

9. Since girls in gangs are far more likely than their non-gang peers to have been sexually assaulted, generally by a family member, they are also more likely to join gangs as a way to seek safety and security that they cannot find in a troubled or abusive home.

A. True B. False

The Role of Race and Ethnicity in Gang-Joining

10. Race and ethnicity continue to play a major role in gang membership, but many experts believe that it is still critical to focus on the common underlying risk factors such as poverty, challenges for immigrants, discrimination and social isolation in order to make an impact.

A. True B. False

11. The roles of race and ethnicity in gang involvement continue to be complicated, and each of the following is an accurate statement about these factors EXCEPT:

A. Emerging gangs have become much more multiracial, which affects the role that race and ethnicity play in gang-joining, especially with respect to conflicts between gangs B. More and more gangs are now including white gang members, which has not generally been the norm since the earliest white immigrant gang members were replaced by racial and ethnic minorities C. Research clearly indicates that targeted programs focusing on specific risk factors for different racial and ethnic groups are needed D. Current prevention programs need to be better evaluated to determine whether race or ethnicity has an impact on prevention efforts and outcome

Evaluation: Prepare to Prove Success

12. Although many policymakers and practitioners understand that evaluation is critical to proving the success or failure of a program, most do not fully understand the role that evaluation plays in actually designing and implementing a successful gang-prevention program.

A. True B. False

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