TeachME Professional Development

Concussion Prevention and Response

The Facts/Did You Know?

1. Each of the following is an accurate statement about concussions EXCEPT:

A. Recognition and proper response to concussions when they first occur can help prevent further injury or even death B. Athletes who have ever had a concussion are at increased risk for another concussion C. Although young children and teens tend to participate in activities that make them vulnerable to concussions, elderly adults actually get concussions the most often of any age group and take the longest to recover D. A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain recovers from the first, usually within a short period of time, can slow recovery or increase the likelihood of having long-term problems

Recognizing a Possible Concussion

2. Athletes who experience one or more concussion sign/symptoms after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body should be kept out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says they are symptom-free and it's ok to return to play.

A. True B. False

Danger Signs

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the danger signs that indicates that a person with a concussion may have formed a blot clot on the brain that is crowing the brain against the skull?

A. One pupil larger than the other B. Rapid and fluid speech C. Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination D. Convulsions or seizures

Prevention and Preparation

4. Professionals who work closely with athletes should work with school officials to ensure that appropriate staff are available for injury assessment and referrals and should enlist school nurses and teachers to monitor any changes in the athlete's behavior or school work that could indicate that the student has a concussion.

A. True B. False

Communicating Effectively about Concussions

5. When educating athletes and parents, it is important that they realize that individuals need to report and signs and symptoms that indicate a concussion may have occurred, and that these symptoms will always appear within a few hours of the injury.

A. True B. False

Heads Up-A Fact Sheet for Coaches

6. Which of the following is an accurate statement about what happens to the brain during a concussion?

A. A concussion is classified as a traumatic brain injury B. When a concussion occurs, sudden movement of the brain can cause stretching and tearing of brain cells, damaging the cells and creating chemical changes in the brain C. Concussions can occur from a blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth, causing the brain to bounce around or twist within the skull and creating chemical changes in the brain D. All of the above

How Can I Help Athletes Return to Play Gradually?

7. When an athlete has been cleared to participate again after a concussion, the first step is to begin with 15 to 20 minutes on an exercise bike, walking, or light jogging and light weight lifting only.

A. True B. False

Heads Up-A Fact Sheet for Athletes

8. During recovery, exercising or activities that involve a lot of __________ may cause concussion symptoms to reappear or get worse.

A. Concentration B. Movement C. Noise D. Stimulation

Concussion ABCs-Fact Sheets for Parents

9. Sleeps issues that may be an indication that a concussion has occurred include drowsiness, sleeping more or less than usual, and having trouble falling asleep.

A. True B. False

How Can I Help My Child Return to School Safely After a Concussion?

10. Which of the following is NOT one of the recommendations for children who return to school after a concussion?

A. Take rest breaks as needed and spend fewer hours at school B. Get more time to take tests or complete assignments C. Spent extra time reading, writing, or on the computer, as this will help regenerate brain cells that have been damaged D. Receive help with schoolwork

A Fact Sheet for Teachers, Counselors, and School Professionals

11. After a concussion, students may feel frustrated, sad, and even angry because they cannot return to sports right away, cannot keep up with their schoolwork, or feel isolated from peers and social networks, so school professionals should be available to offer support.

A. True B. False

Returning to School After a Concussion

12. With proper permission, members of the school team should meet regularly to share information and observations, work with the family to develop a timeline, and:

A. Continually reassess the student for symptoms and progress in healing B. Provide information to the student who is recovering C. Identify services and resources outside of the school that will be beneficial for the student D. Discuss classroom strategies and modifications as well as direct services that may help the student

How Can Understanding Concussion Symptoms Help with Identifying a Student's Individual Needs

13. In the classroom, concussion symptoms may translate into a variety of challenges with learning, and students may exhibit poor emotional control, agitation, and irritability, which are considered cognitive symptoms.

A. True B. False

Some Strategies for Addressing Concussion Symptoms at School

14. An important behavioral/social/emotional strategy for helping students when they return to school post-concussion is to adjust the learning environment to reduce identified distractions and to protect the student from irritations.

A. True B. False

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