TeachME Professional Development

Supporting Culturally Diverse Schools

Executive Summary

1. Although educational policies are intended to be 'colorblind', the reality is that such policies interact with school systems and residential patterns in which race is a central factor in deciding where students go to school, what resources and curricula they have access to, whether they are understood and appreciated by their teachers and classmates, and how they are categorized across academic programs.

A. True B. False

Policy Recommendation No. 1

2. In order to create and maintain more racially and ethnically diverse schools, each of the following is recommended EXCEPT:

A. Supporting and sustaining diverse districts and communities B. Fostering cross-district cooperation/collaboration C. Emphasizing the use of tools and training to address racial and ethnic disparities within the social community D. Encouraging inter-district transfers to promote diversity

Policy Recommendation No. 2

3. One way to support curriculum, teaching, and assessment that enhances diverse schools is to tap into Common Core's progressive potential to support diversity.

A. True B. False

Introduction-Overview of Brief

4. A large body of interdisciplinary research exposes how factors such as housing markets, school district boundaries, and _______________________ are actually far from colorblind in their impact on the public education system.

A. Open-enrollment and school choice policies B. Accountability systems C. Assessment and evaluation profiles D. School performance measures

The History of 'Colorblind' Ideology in a Color-Conscious Society

5. While in recent court cases White plaintiffs have sought to end race-conscious affirmative action policies in higher education and K-12 public schools, respondents have argued that these policies are necessary to dismantle discriminatory systems, and can assist universities and public schools in promoting racial and ethnic diversity for all students.

A. True B. False

The Progressive Potential of a Race-Conscious Society: Dimension No. 1

6. Policymakers must support programs that lessen inequality overall, and specifically, policies related to housing and school choice need to address the multiple barriers to creating flexible, changeable, and parallel communities.

A. True B. False

Access to Communities and Their School Districts

7. Ongoing discrimination practices, both public and private, affect metro migration patterns within and across changing urban and suburban landscapes, and much of this segregation and inequality occurs between school districts and not within them, making possible solutions to these problems more complicated and dependent upon inter-district solutions.

A. True B. False

8. Without appropriate public policies that foster viable, racially diverse schools, parents who are denied access to integrated schools will make color-conscious choices that create greater racial imbalances, which in turn will affect:

A. Level of educational culpability and responsibility B. The way the school and surrounding community is organized C. The progression of overall racial diversity and equality D. Perceptions of the quality of schools

Race, Culture, and Accountability Measures in Education

9. An approach to accountability that relies almost exclusively on standardized tests often has a negative impact on the educational experiences of all children, but particularly those of low-income Black and Latino students.

A. True B. False

10. One of the intents of the Common Core framework is to engage students in anti-bias texts and in deeper, richer dialogues in which their assumptions are challenged by emphasizing:

A. Complexity, range and quality B. Information, arguments, and ideas based on evidence C. Real life information about the world around them D. Persuasion, detail, and attention

11. When livelier and better informed class discussions are initiated through common core practices, students will be directed to examine the assumptions of others in order to promote cross-racial understanding and break down stereotypes.

A. True B. False

Dimension No. 2

12. While a growing number of parents realize that their children need to be prepared for a diverse global society, they still tend to make choices about schools within an educational system that:

A. Promotes privileged and homogeneous schools B. Undermines progression and change C. Is competitive and hierarchical D. None of the above

Discussion and Recommendations

13. Rather than relying on standard test results or seeking to take over schools that perform poorly on these accountability evaluations, broader measures of school quality need to be embraced, such as:

A. Social and emotional development B. Critical citizenship C. The development of creativity, ingenuity, and communication skills D. All of the above

Creating and Sustaining More Racially and Ethnically Diverse Schools

14. State policymakers must prioritize maintaining stability in suburban school districts in order to avoid the the self-fulfilling prophecy of becoming poor districts serving students of color with a low-level curriculum, low expectations, and few tangible or intangible resources.

A. True B. False

15. One way to foster cross-district cooperation is by promoting meaningful magnet-like programs to attract students with shared interests from across district boundaries, and expand upon existing inter-district special education or __________________ collaborations.

A. Case-based learning B. Vocational education C. Peer instruction and teaching D. Problem-based education

16. In order to promote diversity, open-enrollment laws could be restructured to be in line with NCLB's requirement that students in failing schools and districts be offered the choice to transfer to non-failing schools and districts.

A. True B. False

Supporting Curriculum, Teaching, and Assessment that Taps into the Educational Benefits of Diversity

17. When state testing regimes were first being implemented, it was noted that prior student academic achievement and students' ____________________ were the strongest predictors of how well a given school would do on academic achievement measures, rather than narrow, non-diverse testing measures.

A. Social class B. Level of motivation C. Assessment of real learning tasks D. Opportunity for language and skill acquisition

18. One benefit of inter-district transfer policies is that a great number of white students are now being drawn to urban magnet schools, which is furthering the promotion of diversity that currently exists in most open-enrollment situations.

A. True B. False

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