TeachME Professional Development

Relationship-Based Care Practices in Infant-Toddler Care

1. While quality in infant and toddler settings includes various features such as low child to staff ratios, small group size, and specialized teacher education and training, a specific focus by practitioners and policymakers on developing and supporting relationships between young children is also needed to support the unique development characteristics of infants.

A. True B. False

What are Relationship-Based Care Practices?

2. Each of the following is an accurate statement about relationship-based care EXCEPT:

A. At the core of relationship-based care practices are policies, procedures, and practices that support families, teachers, and children as they build relationships and begin to understand each other's specific needs B. Relationship-based care programs can promote ways of strengthening the family-teacher partnership by providing information to families on topics such as the child's development and by sharing parenting information C. The two main practices that underlie relationship-based care in child care settings are primary caregiving and collaborating to promote success D. These practices can positively impact the child's cognitive, language, and social-emotional development

The Importance of Relationship-Based Care Practices

3. Attachment relationships that babies build help shape their developing brains and enable them to establish the strong social emotional base they need in order to help prepare them for later learning.

A. True B. False

Findings from the Research on Relationship-Based Care Practices

4. Studies that have examined the impact of continuity of care practices with infants and toddlers have found that caregiving continuity is associated with young children's development and wellbeing, as well as:

A. Better educational transitions B. Improved social and interpersonal skills C. Enhanced environmental experiences D. Teacher knowledge and communication with families

Considerations for Implementing Relationship-Based Care Practices in Centers Serving Infants and Toddlers

5. In childcare programs it is generally not recommended that a primary care provider be assigned based on who the child responds to the most, as this will often hinder the child's ability to build a variety of relationships.

A. True B. False

6. Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about the development and benefits of small primary groups for infants and toddlers?

A. Small groups can help promote attentive and meaningful interactions B. The primary group should be limited to 5 or 6 children in order to better meet their needs C. Creating a small group with one teacher allows young children to get used to routines and schedules of the caregiving environment D. Teachers are able to interact responsibly and sensitively with each child in a small group

Implementing Continuity of Care Practices in Centers Serving Infants and Toddlers

7. Advantages of mixed age grouping in childcare centers include:

A. Mixed age grouping is more aligned with family child care settings and may provide for a more "real" representation of how children are raised in the context of their family life B. Children in mixed age groups may learn important skills about caring for the youngest members of the classroom C. Younger children may benefit from experiences with older, more capable peers through modeling or scaffolding D. All of the above

Table 2: Common Center Questions about Implementation of Continuity of Care

8. Research suggests that children should experience minimal transitions in child care, and the more transitions they experience, particularly between 18-24 months of age, the more likely they may show less competence in certain social emotional skills.

A. True B. False

Early Head Start Performance Standards Related to Implementing Relationship-Based Care Practices

9. Early Head Start performance standards ensure the development of secure and trusting relationships between staff and young children by having consistent teachers and engaging in practices that are developmentally appropriate and:

A. Culturally responsive B. Based on children's needs C. Grounded in trust, comfort, and security D. Designed to promote social competence

Implications of Licensing Standards for Implementing Relationship-Based Care Practices

10. State regulations often provide an important backdrop to implementing relationship-based care practices, and regulatable aspects of childcare that may help support these practices include lower child to staff ratios and smaller group sizes.

A. True B. False

Additional Considerations Regarding Implementation of Relationship-Based Caregiving Practices in Federal Programs and State Early Childhood Systems

11. Professional development, education, and training efforts can help teachers implement continuity of care practices successfully by focusing on the importance of effective interaction and communication skills to engage with children, helping teachers develop observational skills, and helping teachers increase understanding of the developmental abilities of infants and toddlers.

A. True B. False


12. The most important goal of relationship-based care in programs serving infants and toddlers is to provide a secure environment for exploration, learning, and discovery.

A. True B. False

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