TeachME Professional Development

Supporting Breastfeeding Mothers and Babies


1. Research has shown that the health benefits of breastfeeding and risks associated with formula feeding include each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Compared to those who are breastfed, infants who are not breastfed experience more episodes of diarrhea, ear infections, and lower respiratory tract infections B. Those who are not breastfed are at higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome, diabetes, and obesity C. Breastfed babies tend to sleep better and be less irritable than formula fed babies D. Breastfeeding helps protect mothers from breast and ovarian cancer

Strategy 1. Maternity Care Practices

2. Maternity care practices related to breastfeeding take place during the intrapartum hospital stay and include:

A. Developing a written breastfeeding policy for facility and providing all staff with education and training on breastfeeding B. Maintaining skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby after birth and encouraging early breastfeeding initiation C. Supporting cue-based feeding, supplementing with formula or water only when medically necessary, and ensuring post-discharge follow-up D. All of the above

3. Multiple studies have demonstrated improved breastfeeding outcomes when hospitals adopt steps for successful breastfeeding, and the immediate initiation of skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant has been associated with longer duration of breastfeeding.

A. True B. False

Strategy 2. Professional Education

4. Although health care providers can influence a woman's decision to breastfeed and her ability and desire to continue breastfeeding, some clinicians lack the skills to help women when they have problems with breastfeeding, and some may believe that breastfeeding provides only modest benefits.

A. True B. False

Key Considerations

5. Short lectures and brief education sessions have proven to be effective in helping health care practitioners build skills to assist with numerous lactation problems.

A. True B. False

Strategy 3. Access to Professional Support

6. Since partner support often influences initiation and duration of breastfeeding, mothers often identify partner education as the most important intervention the care system can provide.

A. True B. False

Key Considerations

7. Professional support for breastfeeding can be provided during both the prenatal and postpartum periods, but it is particularly critical in the first few weeks after delivery, when lactation is being established.

A. True B. False

Strategy 4. Peer Support Programs

8. Systematic reviews of peer support programs have found them to be effective in increasing breastfeeding initiation, duration, and:

A. Exclusivity B. Outcomes C. Adherence D. Satisfaction

Strategy 5. Support for Breastfeeding in the Workplace

9. Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended key considerations to support breastfeeding in the workplace?

A. Educate employers on the benefits of having a lactation policy in the workplace that is in compliance with state and federal laws B. Develop resources to help employees find innovative ways to support breastfeeding C. Work sites such as academic institutions and hospitals that also serve people who are not employees can consider extending onsite breastfeeding support to nonemployees D. Lactation programs can include policies that allow mothers to bring their infants to work until they reach a certain age

Strategy 6. Support for Breastfeeding in Early Care and Education

10. Early care and education (ECE) programs can lower a breastfeeding mother's anxiety by allowing her to feed her infant on-site, having a posted breastfeeding policy, making sure procedures for storing and handling breast milk and feeding breastfed infants are in place, and making sure staff members are well-trained in these procedures.

A. True B. False

Strategy 7. Access to Breastfeeding Education and Information

11. While first time mothers report they find books and written information about breastfeeding helpful, experienced women often rely on doctors and:

A. Family members and friends B. Refresher classes C. Their past experiences D. All of the above

Breastfeeding Education

12. Intrapartum breastfeeding education includes guidance for mothers about anticipated situations and signs of effective breastfeeding or breastfeeding problems, as well as information about common fears, concerns, and myths.

A. True B. False

Strategy 8. Social Marketing

13. Social marketing is a systematic and strategic planning process that results in an intended practice or program, and such strategies may be used to educate policy makers about issues related to breastfeeding and to educate the public about healthy infant nutrition practices.

A. True B. False

Action steps

14. Recommended action steps to use social marketing include identifying local experts who can pitch stories that promote breastfeeding to the media and developing and implementing a public health campaign on breastfeeding that uses social marketing.

A. True B. False

Strategy 9. Addressing the Marketing of Infant Formula

15. Mothers in the United States who are known to be at high risk for early termination of breastfeeding are those who do not participate in WIC programs and mothers with multiple children.

A. True B. False

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