TeachME Professional Development

Fusing Trauma-Informed Practice Into School Settings

1. When considering events that may have a traumatic impact on children, it is important to consider the types of experiences that overwhelm individual children’s ability to cope, which can involve a range of different events including single traumatic incidents or multiple events that are severe and interpersonal.

A. True B. False

What is Trauma?

2. Each of the following is an accurate statement about the body’s response to trauma EXCEPT:

A. The traumatic event can be so frightening that it causes a prolonged alarm reaction, where the body is pumped with stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol B. This sustained alarm reaction in turn creates altered neurological systems, and altered emotional, physical and physiological states which affect the body and the brain together C. The response can be mediated by the cerebellum, which is the seat of rational thought D. The body’s response to trauma is adaptive, and traumatized children will do anything to survive, not because they want to, but because they must

What Are the Types of Trauma?

3. The term developmental trauma describes the impact on the individual from experiencing multiple or chronic and prolonged determinative adverse traumatic events, mostly of an interpersonal nature.

A. True B. False

4. Childhood trauma can have a drastic effect on the capacity to experience basic needs in a healthy manner, and according to Maslow, these basic needs include physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, self-actualization, and:

A. Freedom B. Kindness C. Understanding and growth D. Self-esteem

Supportive Practice

5. The needs of students affected by trauma are diverse and unique, and the focus of the school team is to create environments to help the child become physiologically and emotionally regulated, by creating a plan that is:

A. Individualized B. Holistic C. Diversified D. Strengths-based

6. Which of the following are NOT included as responsibilities for educators as they work to reduce potential harm to students experiencing ongoing trauma?

A. See challenging behavior as social-emotional errors and an opportunity to assess or teach and model skills, and identify key support strategies for regulation and learning B. Understand the effect of trauma on brain development and the process of escalation and de-escalation, and remember that regulated responses teach the child how they are expected to respond C. Take a lead role in repairing learner relationships while ensuring that learning environments are predictable, calm and positive D. Implement clear behavior expectations, open communication, and selective trauma formed educational programs

Window of Tolerance: A Framework

7. The ‘Window of Tolerance’ is the optimal zone for processing and integrating life experiences, and in this zone individuals can rationalize and reflect on problems and choices, are in touch with what is going on around them, and feel relatively calm.

A. True B. False

Knowing Your Students-Supportive Practice

8. Many children who have suffered trauma are dysregulated and live in chaotic environments, and one of the most powerful tools that teaching teams have is to continuously demonstrate what regulated behavior looks like through their:

A. Responses, comments and actions B. Attitudes, values, and character C. Expressions of feelings, emotions, and frustrations D. Interactions, connections, and communications

Resources and Case Studies

9. In the book, Traumatic Experience and the Brain, David Ziegler outlines the three principles that dominate the way that traumatized children make sense of the world around them, including their need to survive, which takes precedence over everything else, their negative world view in which they believe that there is a great deal more bad than good in the world, and:

A. Their continued exposure to toxic stress which inhibits their ability to develop higher-level functions such as complex calculating, planning ahead, and the capacity for empathy B. Their view of themselves as powerless and damaged and their perception of the world as a meaningless place in which structure and positive action is futile C. Their belief that unless things happen immediately, they will never happen and that second chances do not exist D. Their difficulty identifying, expressing, and managing emotions, and their inability to identify feeling states

Teaching and Learning-Key Messages

10. For educators, trauma informed strategies begin with creating consistency and predictability of support in order to create a healing context of safety, as well as getting to know how trauma has impacted the learner’s physical and intellectual development.

A. True B. False

Roles and Responsibilities

11. Principals and other instructional leaders must be tasked with demonstrating and modeling differentiated teaching practice for learners with a history of complex trauma and ensuring that these students access and participate in educational programs on the same basis as all other learners.

A. True B. False

SMART Training Practice Model

12. The ‘Responsive’ element principle states that traumatized children will display behavior which is experienced as difficult or challenging by others but often makes sense in the context of their trauma, and that they find it hard to:

A. Express the distress they’re feeling in a way that’s easily recognizable B. Internalize external rules and consequences C. Form relationships with teachers and peers D. Ask for help when they need it

Responding to Trauma-The Case and Care Team Meeting Process

13. Coordinated care teams consist of key stakeholders who collaborate to provide comprehensive support for students with a background of trauma, and they provide a forum for identifying the child’s developmental needs, brainstorming strategies, coordinating roles, assigning responsibilities and monitoring progress.

A. True B. False

Roles and Responsibilities for Supporting Learners in Out-of-Home Care

14. The authors recommend that educators support learners in out-of-home care with each of the following strategies EXCEPT:

A. Ensure that every learner in has a Learning Plan, developed after discussion with them regarding their individual needs B. Maintain regular communication with the learner about how they feel they are progressing at school C. Stay informed of acceptable strategies for helping learners manage their emotions D. Engage quality personalized education practice and traditional learning tasks

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