TeachME Professional Development

Suicide Prevention Guidelines for Schools

1. Schools provide an ideal setting for suicide prevention strategies for adolescents, as a typical US high school classroom includes one boy and two girls who have attempted suicide in the past year.

A. True B. False

2. Research has found that while teachers are in ideal positions to identify and refer students potentially at risk for suicide, only approximately ___ of health teachers (teacher with some experience with suicide curriculum) felt confident that they could identify a student at-risk.

A. 18% B. 15% C. 12% D. 9%

Educating Parents and Community Members

3. An important point to make concerning parent education is that an essential aspect of any suicide prevention strategy and one that is often overlooked is:

A. Improving problems in the parent-child relationship B. Restricting access to potentially lethal weapons C. Providing a safe and secure home environment D. None of the above

Student Curriculum Addressing Suicide

4. Suicide curriculum is generally focused on each of the following areas EXCEPT:

A. Dispelling myths and increasing correct knowledge about adolescent suicide B. Providing students with the knowledge concerning school and community resources that are available and encouraging them to seek help C. Presenting suicide as a reaction to the common stressors of adolescence D. Increasing the ability of students to recognize another student potentially at risk for suicidal behaviors

5. Research has shown that approximately 78% of suicides are associated with mental illness including alcohol and substance abuse disorders.

A. True B. False

Teaching Adaptive Skills to Students

6. It is critical that suicide prevention curriculum focus on helping students develop problem-solving stratetgies as well as proper social, coping, and ________ skills because research has shown that students who are potentially at risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors have deficits in these areas.

A. Help-seeking B. Life management C. Decision making D. Crisis reduction

7. Suicide prevention programs that teach necessary skills may not only potentially prevent suicidal behaviors from occurring, but may also help prevent unintentional injuries and violence in schools and to promote the development of a well balanced and productive adult.

A. True B. False

Peer Support Groups

8. Students who are potentially at risk for suicidal behaviors are more likely to confide in and feel comfortable with peers rather than adults so schools may want to focus on training students to recognize potentially suicidal peers, and providing an opportunity for vulnerable students to meet with other students in a comfortable group climate.

A. True B. False


9. After a student has been screened with through an interview or self-report, if he or she screens positive for suicidal potentiality, then direct assessment by trained clinicians should be done within _____ days.

A. Three B. Five C. Seven D. Ten


10. Postvention programs are necessary following a suicide to reduce subsequent morbidity and mortality of suicide in fellow students, but also reduce the onset and degree of debilitation of psychiatric disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder.

A. True B. False

School Climate

11. When choosing curriculum regarding school safety and pro-social skills, ensure that the program is consistent with national and state standards for health education and is:

A. Focused on one proven strategy B. Based in research C. Endorsed by local mental health agencies D. None of the above

Suicide Prevention Guideline Tips

12. Using a brief single session approach in an assembly format is recommeded as an effective way to present suicide prevention curriculum to students if a more prolonged approach is not practical.

A. True B. False

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