TeachME Professional Development

Children and Domestic Violence

How Does Domestic Violence Affect Children?

1. Most children who live with domestic violence can recover and heal from their experiences, and one of the most important factors that helps children do well after experiencing such violence is a strong relationship with a caring, nonviolent parent.

A. True B. False

2. According to the authors, each of the following factors affect how an individual child will respond to living with domestic violence EXCEPT:

A. How serious and how frequent is the violence or threat and was the child physically hurt or put in danger? B. What is the child's age and relationship with the victim and abuser? C. What other stress is going on in the child's life and how does he or she usually cope with problems? D. What is the child's developmental/intellectual level and ability to understand what is happening?

Celebrating Your Child's Strengths

3. One way that children heal from traumatic or stressful events is by having the adults who care about them provide the guidance, attention, and support they need to explore and build upon their strengths.

A. True B. False

Before You Talk to Your Children: How Your Feelings Matter

4. Since very young children will not likely not be tuned in to parents' emotions and cannot yet sense how others feel, it is recommended that parents wait to talk to them about any domestic violence issues until the children ask specific questions.

A. True B. False

Listening and Talking to Your Child About Domestic Violence

5. Which of the following strategies is NOT recommended when speaking to your child about domestic violence?

A. Expect that your children will know more than you think, no matter how young they are B. Wait for your child to take the lead so he or she will feel more comfortable with the conversation C. Open with messages of support, like "I care about you and I will listen to you" D. Talk to your children in a way that's right for their ages, and use words that you know they understand

The Importance of Playing with Your Children

6. Spending time with children in a fun way, or "playing" is a healthy way to spend time together, and experts recommend that for all age groups, parents choose the activity because this shows that the parents are aware of the children's interests and care enough to take the lead.

A. True B. False

Keeping Your Child Safe and Responding to Their Fears

7. School-age children and teenagers are generally mature enough to understand domestic violence, and they will benefit from talking about the violence and from being aware of plans for safety and what their roles are in the plans.

A. True B. False

Managing Challenging Behavior of Children Living with Domestic Violence

8. Children may act out aggressively when they feel overwhelmed and out of control, and when this occurs parents or caregivers should:

A. Address the issue immediately by reasoning with the child and pointing out inappropriate behaviors B. Make sure not to ignore any aggressive behaviors, as this will indicate to the child that his or her actions are acceptable C. Set clear and regular routines at home, as this will make daily life more predictable D. All of the above

Where to Turn if You Are Worried About Your Child

9. Children may react to domestic violence with uncharacteristic behaviors and mood changes after an upsetting event, but if these changes don't start to subside once the stress in the home has diminished and the child feels safe again, help from outside sources will likely be needed.

A. True B. False

Helping Your Child Navigate a Relationship with the Abusive Parent

10. When trying to help the child navigate his or her relationship with the abusive parent, the most important first step is:

A. Making sure that the safety of the child and victimized parent is ensured B. Acknowledging the child's feelings and reiterating that he or she is not responsible for the abuse C. Recognizing the child's conflicts while showing that he or she does not have to choose between parents D. Find alone time with the children in order to respond to any worries they may have

Sizing up Stress in Your Life

11. While some stresses are temporary and actually help us perform better, chronic stress can take a toll on your health and well-being, and make it very difficult to provide guidance and support to children who have experienced domestic violence in their lives.

A. True B. False

A Plan that Works for You

12. One activity that may help to relax and reduce stress is imagining and focusing on a soothing image, which is known as reflecting.

A. True B. False

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