TeachME Professional Development

School-Based Physical Activity and its Impact on Academic Performance

Executive Summary

1. While schools may be an appropriate venue for youth to meet physical activity recommendations for optimal health, schools face increasing challenges in allocating time for physical education and physical activity during the academic day.

A. True B. False

Implications for Policy

2. Various research articles and reports examining physical activity and academic achievement indicate that physical activity can lead to _____________________ as well as improved classroom behavior.

A. Healthier peer relationships B. Positive school adjustment C. Enhanced concentration and attention D. None of the above

Implications for Schools-Extracurricular Physical Activities

3. In order to help students meet national physical activity recommendations, school administrators and teachers can encourage after-school organizations, clubs, student groups, and parent groups to incorporate physical activities into their programs and events.

A. True B. False


4. In 2007, only _______ of US high school students reported that they attended physical education class on 1 or more days in an average week at school, and only _______ reported participating in physical education classes daily.

A. 65.7%; 45% B. 62.9%; 40% C. 56.1%; 35% D. 53.6%; 30%

How Physical Activity Affects the Brain

5. Research has shown that physical movement can affect the brain's physiology by increasing the production of peptides and the growth of nerve cells in the basal ganglia.

A. True B. False


6. Physical education provides students with instruction on physical activity, health-related fitness, cognitive understanding about physical activity, and:

A. Physical competence B. Physical performance C. Physical adequacy D. Physical proficiency

Inclusion Criteria

7. When students believe that adults and peers in school care about their learning as well as about them as individuals, this is known as:

A. School cohesiveness B. School togetherness C. School connectedness D. School unity


8. Studies on extracurricular physical activity focused on the relationship between activities organized through the school but that occur outside of the regular school day, including school sports and other after-school physical activity programs.

A. True B. False

School-Based Physical Education Studies-Intervention Studies

9. One intervention study that examined ways to improve the quality of physical education implemented multiple strategies, including each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Focusing on students' personal goal setting B. Emphasizing opportunities for active participation by all students C. Maximizing active use of class time D. Increasing the emphasis on the mind-body connection

10. Coordination excercises that require the body to balance, react, adjust, and/or differentiate were found to be more effective than normal sports lessons in boosting cognitive functioning such as concentration and attention.

A. True B. False

Recess Studies Highlights

11. Time spent in recess appears to have a positive relationship with children's attention, concentration, and/or on task classroom behavior, and all studies reported three or more positive associations between recess and indicators of cognitive skills, attititudes, and academic behaior.

A. True B. False

Recess Studies

12. Of the eight studies that examined the relationship between school recess, cognitive skills, attitudes and/or academic behavior, _____ found a positive association and _____showed no significant association between the factors.

A. 53%; 47% B. 55%; 45% C. 57%; 43% D. 59%; 41%

Nonintervention Studies

13. When exploring the impact of recess on individuals students, a positive association with end of year social competence and perceptions of school adjustment was shown for boys and girls.

A. True B. False

14. Classroom based physical activity studies involved the introduction of physical activities by trained teachers or facilitators into the classroom setting, with activities lasting 5-20 minutes per session, and occurring on a daily or regular basis.

A. True B. False

Classroom Physical Activity Studies: Highlights

15. The majority of the physical activity studies found positive associates between classroom based physical activity and indicators of academic performance, but most showed significant differences in outcomes based on gender.

A. True B. False

Interscholastic School Sports

16. Which of the following was NOT one of the methods used to measure academic performance and participation in interscholastic school sports?

A. School records such as GPA's, test scores, and dropout rates B. Teacher rating of student academic ability C. Professional educator observation/ratings of non athletes vs. athletes D. Students self reported relationship between sports participation and grades

17. Two studies that examined the impact of sports on high school dropout rates found that participants were significantly less likely to drop out of school compared with nonparticipants.

A. True B. False

Other School-Related Extracurricular Physical Activity-Intervention Studies

18. Intervention studies that evaluated after school physical fitness programs determined that across all sites, cognitive and reasoning skills improved for all participants.

A. True B. False

Nonintervention Studies

19. When examining the association between students reports of participation in extracurricular activities and student self-reporting grades, two studies found consistently positive associations between these factors, as well as between positive academic attitudes and:

A. Higher academic aspirations B. Perceived academic competence C. Preparation for future academic experiences D. None of the above

Summary-Does Physical Activity Have Any Negative Relationship With Grades Or Test Scores?

20. In the research and reports reviewed, negative associations between physical activity and academic performance were rarely indicated, with only 16 out of the 251 findings reporting any negative connections.

A. True B. False

Findings by Gender, Other Demographic Characteristics and Research Design

21. Although very few studies examined the relationships between physical activity and academic performance by race, one that examined classroom-based physical activity breaks by race found no differences in academic performance between Asian and Caucasian students.

A. True B. False

Implications for Future Research or Evaluation

22. The authors recommend that future research be developed in consultation with educators and informed by research across disciplines including each of the following areas EXCEPT:

A. Neurobiology B. Social Psychology C. Kinesiology D. Physical Sciences

How Can Schools Promote Physical Activity At School?

23. Studies showed that school based physical education programs were able to increase physical education time by increasing the number of days per week or the length of class time and by:

A. Adding trained physical education instructors B. Supplementing programs with community resources C. Using outside facilities (e.g., swimming pools) D. All of the above

Classroom-Based Physical Activity

24. During the school day, it is recommended that exercise breaks be introduced for ______ minutes prior to teaching subjects that require intense student concentration.

A. 5-10 B. 10-15 C. 15-20 D. 20-25

Appendix C: Glossary of Research Design Terms

25. A case study is an in-depth examination (often over time) of one or a small number of cases believed to represent a broader phenomenon, and it is usually observational.

A. True B. False

26. Descriptive studies have the purpose of describing activities, events, or behaviors that have occurred in a given situation, and they use controlled environments to expose subjects to different treatments.

A. True B. False

27. The most rigorous of research designs is the __________________, and it is frequently referred to as the gold standard for establishing causality.

A. Longitudinal study B. Experimental design C. Cross-sectional study D. Quasi-descriptive design

Appendix D: Physical Education Class Summary Matrix

28. An American Journal of Public Health Study examining high vs. low physical education time showed a positive outcome for higher achievement in which area?

A. Math (boys & girls) B. Math (boys) C. Reading (boys & girls) D. Reading and math (girls)

29. An experimental study of physical exertion & immediate mental performance on six-grade children showed a significant positive outcome from walking for 30-40 minutes prior to talking a math test.

A. True B. False

30. Physical education students who participated in the (Multidimensional Model of Goal Orientations MMGO) intervention focusing on health, achievement, and social domains improved in all of the following areas EXCEPT:

A. Math grades and reading scores B. General self concept C. Life satisfaction D. Language grades

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