TeachME Professional Development

Educational Technology in Corrections


1. The National Education Technology Plan, developed by President Obama and the US Department of Education, outlines how our education system can use advanced technology to support:

A. Student learning regardless of backgrounds, languages, and disabilities B. Instruction and professional development for teachers C. Data collection analysis and program improvement D. All of the above

2. A growing number of corrections agencies and their partners are exploring ways to securely and cost-effectively increase access to educational technology as a means to improve education services, impact recidivism rates, and ease the reentry process by allowing incarcerated individuals to prepare for release.

A. True B. False


3. The five overarching goals of the National Education Technology plan are centered around learning, assessment, teaching infrastructure, and:

A. Methodology B. Integration C. Productivity D. Collaboration

4. The primary reason corrections agencies do not provide their education programs and students with greater access to advance technologies is lack of funding at the state and federal level.

A. True B. False

5. When state corrections agencies and facilities adopt advanced technologies, they must explore budget considerations including each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Should the corrections agency and its education partners cover all the costs associated with the purchase, implementation, maintenance, and monitoring of the technologies? B. Should inmate welfare funds be used and/or should some of these expenses be shifted to incarcerated individuals and their families? C. What portion of the cost can be mitigated by using advanced technologies to modernize and streamline existing education and non-education services? D. Should alternative funding sources outside of education and corrections be a necessary component of correctional technology?

Mobile Device Vendors-Providing Educational Technology in Corrections

6. One trend in correctional education is to work with mobile device vendors to equip facilities with tablets or other devices for use in and outside of the classroom.

A. True B. False

Successes and Challenges of Early Implementers

7. Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about the success and challenges of the Isolated Local Server (ILS) approach in corrections?

A. The ILS provides a secure virtual Web server that gives students and instructors offline access to thousands of websites, and teachers can use open education resources (OERs) to save time and cost B. The ILS incorporates an offline high school to provide an alternative for students struggling in a traditional classroom setting and for those have difficulty with the new GED C. There is no external Internet access, including no access to a wide array of online courses and assessments D. Much time and effort are involved identifying suitable content, which is approved on a case-by-case basis

Restricted Internet Connection (RIC)

8. In an innovative technological approach, the city of Philadelphia has partnered with Jail Education Solutions (JES) to provide literacy, postsecondary and vocational programing, financial literacy, and cognitive therapy, and to provide trainings to staff.

A. True B. False

International Use of Technology in Correctional Education Delivery

9. Proponents of correctional technology in the United States have explored education initiatives in other countries such as Australia, where prisons are well-managed and recidivism rates are low.

A. True B. False

Recommendations for Adopting Educational Technology in Corrections-Learning

10. In correctional education services, students need to have engaging and empowering learning experiences that enable them to become active, knowledgeable, ethical, and:

A. Creative B. Diverse C. Confident D. Motivated


11. In order to support teachers in correctional settings, technologies can be used to provide them with access to professional development resources and opportunities, and to enable them to learn from other instructors both inside and outside secure classrooms.

A. True B. False


12. Professionals in correctional settings can best support the education continuum by ensuring that the services students receive while incarcerated are aligned with common core academic standards.

A. True B. False

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