TeachME Professional Development

Examining the Reading Framework for the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress

Preface by the National Assessment Governing Board

1. The design of the Reading Framework of 2015 is based on current scientific research in reading. In keeping with Governing Board policy, it advocates a particular approach to instruction.

A. True B. False

NAEP Overview

2. The National Assessment Governing Board, the policymaking body for NAEP, has defined several parameters for the reading assessment. They include all but:

A. Measuring reading comprehension in English B. Allowing passages to be read aloud to students as a test accommodation C. Not endorsing or advocating a particular pedagogical approach D. Asking students to read passages written in English and to answer questions about what they have read

Definition of Reading for NAEP

3. The NAEP Reading Assessment is guided by a definition of reading that reflects scientific research and states that reading is an active and complex process that involves:

A. Understanding written text B. Developing and interpreting meaning C. Using meaning as appropriate to type of text, purpose, and situation D. All of these

4. Readers draw on the ideas and information they have acquired from text to meet a particular purpose or situational need. This is an example of:

A. Understanding written text B. Developing and interpreting meaning C. Using meaning D. Purpose

Factors that Influence Reading Behaviors

5. The background knowledge that students bring to the NAEP Reading Assessment differs widely. To accommodate these differences:

A. Passages will span diverse areas and topics and will be as engaging as possible to the full range of students in the grades assessed B. Passages will include individual student cultural background and will be as engaging as possible to the full range of students in the grades assessed C. Passages will be read aloud to students and will be as engaging as possible to the full range of students in the grades assessed D. None of these

6. The association between vocabulary knowledge and comprehension is strong; students who know the meanings of many words and who also can use the context of what they read to figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words are better:

A. Writers than those who lack these attributes B. Comprehenders than those who lack these attributes C. At reading for appreciation and enjoyment D. All of the above

Overview of NAEP Reading Assessment

7. NAEP assesses reading skills that students use:

A. In all subject areas classes B. In their core English class C. In recreational reading D. Both A and C

Structural Experiences in Text

8. Research has indicated that one advantage of literary texts is that they possess distinct organizational patterns, such as sequence or comparison and contrast, which is designed to help readers organize their sense of what may occur next in the reading.

A. True B. False

Assessing Students with Special Needs

9. The NAEP Reading Assessment is designed to measure the academic achievement of all test takers at a given grade level; hence, students with disabilities and English language learners are included in the assessment sample.

A. True B. False

Content and Design of NAEP in Reading-Texts on the NAEP Reading Assessment to be Included

10. Types of text refers to the source of the stimulus material per se and not the idealized norms of a genre.

A. True B. False

11. Text structures and features define the organization and elements within the text.

A. True B. False

12. The term "creative aptitude" is used to encompass the non-specific techniques that an author chooses to relay an intended message.

A. True B. False

Literary Texts-Fiction

13. At grades 8 and 12, more complex genres of fiction are common. including satires, parodies, science fiction, and:

A. Allegories B. Legends C. Similes D. Biographies

14. Authors select from a range of stylistic devices to enhance their presentation, which are referred to as:

A. Author's style B. Author's craft C. Author's imagery D. Author's diction

Literary Nonfiction

15. Literary nonfiction is an example of mixed text because it uses literary techniques usually associated with fiction or poetry and:

A. Also presents fantasy or non-factual material B. Includes chronological and sequential material C. Also presents information or factual material D. Uses tradtional and contemporary sources

Exhibit 3-Literary Text Matrix: Poetry

16. Examples of poetry text features at grade 4 include all but:

A. Repetition B. Omission C. Dialogue D. Rhythm


17. Like fiction, poetry has ___________ functions, and structures further guided by literary structures and textual features.

A. Standard forms B. Exaggerated forms C. Distinctive forms D. Analytical forms

Exhibit 4. Informational Text Matrix

18. Informational text on the NAEP Reading Assessment will be of three types and include all but:

A. Exaggeration B. Argumentation or persuasive text C. Procedural text or documents D. Exposition

Argumentation and Persuasive Text

19. Many forms of informational text pose an argument or attempt to persuade readers toward a particular viewpoint. These texts present information:

A. To support or prove a point B. To express an opinion C. To try to convince readers that a specific viewpoint is correct or justifiable D. All of these

Procedural Texts and Documents

20. Research indicates that adults spend considerably more time reading documents (i.e. information in matrix or graphic form) than they do reading prose materials.

A. True B. False

Passage Length

21. Assessment passages are chosen to be similar in length to what students actually encounter in their in-school and out-of-school reading; thus passage lengths for grade 12 should be 400-1000 words.

A. True B. False

Vocabulary on the NAEP Reading Assessment

22. Comprehending any reading passage requires knowing the meaning of the important content-bearing words of that passage, and how they interact in the passage, so the measurement of word meaning by NAEP should be integrated with the measurement of passage comprehension.

A. True B. False

Cognitive Targets

23. Cognitive targets are the mental processes or kinds of thinking that underlie reading comprehension, and NAEP targets include the ability to absorb/evaluate, retrieve/communicate, and focus/distinguish.

A. True B. False

Reporting Results

24. Results of the NAEP Reading Assessment administrations are reported in terms of average scores for groups of students on the NAEP 0-500 scale and as percentages of students who attain each of the three achievement levels that include all but:

A. Basic B. Intermediate C. Proficient D. Advanced

Reporting Trend Data

25. NAEP reports are useful in providing trend results over time to inform decisions and allocations of resources and framing of policy about reading. The questions that NAEP addresses include each of the following except:

A. Are students improving in reading achievement over time? B. Are percentages of students at the upper achievement levels increasing, decreasing, or remaining the same? C. Are specific areas such as fluency, vocabulary development, and receptive language skills being enhanced? D. Are the gaps in achievement among various groups narrowing?

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