TeachME Professional Development

Expanding Opportunities to Support Young Learners


1. The US Department of Education strategic goal for early learning is to improve the health, social-emotional, and cognitive outcomes for all children from birth through third grade in order to ensure they are prepared to graduate from high school and succeed in college and careers.

A. True B. False

Benefits of High-Quality Early Learning

2. A National Center for Education Statistics longitudinal study shows that children who attended center-based preschool programs in the year before kindergarten earner higher scores at the beginning of kindergarten than those who did not participate in early learning in each of the following areas EXCEPT:

A. Math and reading B. Cognitive flexibility C. Emotional regulation D. Approaches to learning such as attentiveness and persistence

3. Nationally recognized elements of a high-quality preschool program include at a minimum:

A. High qualifications for teachers and other staff, ongoing practice-based professional learning in childhood development, and mentoring/coaching B. Small class sizes and low staff child ratios as well as a full-day, full-year program C. Developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically responsive instruction and assessments, research-based curricula, and inclusion of children with disabilities D. All of the above

Expanding Access to High-Quality Early Learning

4. At both the State and Federal levels there are not enough funds to implement programs of sufficient size or scope to address the growing and diverse needs of all young children and their families, and in 2014-15 school year, only 52 percent of 4 year-olds and 24 percent of 3 year-olds were enrolled in publicly funded preschool programs.

A. True B. False

Title I Preschool

5. Title I preschool programs are intended to assist children most at risk of failing to meet the State's challenging academic standards based on multiple criteria, including preschool-age children experiencing homelessness and children who are in a local institution or attending a community day program for neglected or delinquent children and youth.

A. True B. False

Children in Foster Care

6. Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) SEAs and LEAs must ensure that, regardless of the circumstances, all children in foster care enroll or remain in their school of origin in order to maintain stability.

A. True B. False

English Learners and Immigrant Children

7. Which of the following is NOT one of the known benefits for English Learners (ELs) who participate in early learning programs?

A. Longitudinal studies have shown that ELs who participate in early learning programs achieved English language proficiency sooner than their peers who did not participate in such programs B. One recent study found that ELs who participated in early dual language emersion programs exceeded their peers in vocabulary and writing achievement C. High-quality early learning programs can present an opportunity for ELs to strengthen and nurture their home language while on a path to English language acquisition D. Dual language programs for young learners have been shown to be effective models to promote language development and academic achievement for ELs

Ensuring Alignment, Collaboration and Coordination

8. In childhood education programs, vertical alignment refers to the consistency or connectedness of program and professional standards across programs and settings that serve a particular age or grade, while horizontal alignment addresses the progressive development of standards form birth through third grade that provide a continuum for children's knowledge and skills.

A. True B. False

Supporting Children with Disabilities

9. In order for preschool children with disabilities to be meaningfully included in high quality early learning, they should have access to inclusive high-quality programs with support that is:

A. Comprehensive B. Transitional C. Strategic D. Individualized

Vertical Alignment From Preschool to Third Grade

10. Evidence suggests that students benefit from a system of early learning from birth to age 8 that includes aligned standards, curricula, instruction, and assessments, and that vertical alignment during these years provides greater continuity and better organization of student services and school family partnerships.

A. True B. False

Supporting Educators

11. Research has shown that teachers of young children from birth through the early grades require specialized knowledge and skills focused on the science of child development and the sequence of learning across multiple domains of learning, as well as an understanding of how to integrate learning across multiple domains.

A. True B. False

Table 4. Examples of how Title I, Part A; Title II, Part A; and Title III, Part A Funds Can Be Used To Support Early Learning Professional Development And Capacity Building

12. Title II funds are often used to support transition activities, curriculum, and instruction for English Learners, and to improve overall coordination between early childhood programs and elementary schools.

A. True B. False

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