TeachME Professional Development

Global Education Practices that Promote Tolerance and Ethical Responsibility

Executive Summary

1. Although school policies that encourage ethnic mixing create conditions for inter-ethnic cooperation and fostering tolerance, simply bringing young people from different backgrounds together physically is not sufficient to reduce prejudice.

A. True B. False

2. While there is some evidence to show what works when combating intolerance and promoting diversity, more solid evidence is needed since most current evidence remains:

A. Problematic B. Anecdotal C. Ambiguous D. Indeterminate


3. Research indicates that future life-chances of many young people from traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds are compromised by the combination of extrinsic inequalities, acquiescence, and sufferance.

A. True B. False

Key Terms

4. The notion of an inclusive curriculum expands the concept of integrating children with disabilities/special needs into mainstream schools and classrooms, to any child with varying abilities, at risk of school failure or dropping out, as well as from various minority groups and cultures.

A. True B. False

Chapter 1: Defining the Challenges: Europe Today

5. When young people from ethnic minority backgrounds have very limited contacts with their peers from the majority, they often feel “othered,” and such segregation has a negative impact on:

A. Identify formation B. Social trust C. Overall health D. Psychosocial stressors

6. In this report, ALL of the following are examples of groups of students associated with negative opinions EXCEPT:

A. Migrants B. Refugees C. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth D. Special education students


7. For many reasons, most efforts to curtail prejudice and promote respect for diversity in schools tend to be __________, and generally involve specific prevention mechanisms and remedies used to address certain immediate issues perceived as problems.

A. Perceived as not helping B. Unmanageable C. Temporary D. Outdated

Intercultural Competences for Youth

8. Intercultural education is rooted in human rights, social justice, and academic principles.

A. True B. False

2.2. Is mixing young people sufficient to promote respect?

9. Mix it Up, an initiative that has had success reducing prejudice, is based on the finding that social divisions and social boundaries are often reinforced during:

A. Lunchtime B. Class C. Recess D. Extracurricular activities


10. According to the data, the psychological well-being of migrant students depends only on the differences between the sending country and host country.

A. True B. False

3.2. The role of school leadership/Defining effective school leadership

11. When addressing diversity in schools, the approach adopted by school _________ regarding ethnic minorities and other minorities often dictates the direction taken by the school as a whole.

A. Teachers B. Superintendents C. Principals D. Counselors

Lessons for policy and practice

12. Evidence indicates that current political and social awareness has led to many opportunities for professional development on diversity and intercultural education for school leaders.

A. True B. False

3.3. The role of curriculum/Teaching controversial issues

13. Some teachers may be hesitant to address controversial issues because:

A. It may not be encouraged at their school B. They may fear repercussions from school leaders C. They may have had negative experiences due to lack of training D. It is not a required part of the curriculum

Mother tongue, bilingual and multilingual education in formal schooling

14. Each of the following is a correct statement about two-way bilingual immersion education EXCEPT:

A. It leads to higher achievement B. It promotes two-way emotional integration C. It brings members of the minority and majority together D. It promotes intercultural understanding

15. According to the research, many teachers tend to discourage bilingualism in schools and advise families to speak the majority language at home.

A. True B. False

Provision of religious and moral education in state-funded schools

16. Milot’s report on religious diversity and intercultural education notes that whether the schools are secular or denominational, they all share certain features. One is that there is no real group of students, even within the same religious tradition, since religious practices and beliefs differ from one family to another and from one individual to another, that is truly:

A. Heterogeneous B. Homogeneous C. Variegated D. Incongruous

17. Ethical curriculum in multi-denominational schools is designed to be taught in addition to religious instruction.

A. True B. False

Education to promote empathy and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

18. Which is NOT a principle of empathy development/instruction?

A. The crucial period for empathic development is between the ages of 11 and 14 B. It can be used as an intervention strategy C. The main achievements of empathic development occur in early childhood D. Empathy induction has been shown to lead to long-term improved attitudes towards other groups

19. Implementation of the “Neither better nor worse, just different” program in Greece demonstrated which of the following benefit?

A. The relationship between migrant and native students improved B. There was a decrease in violent acts in the participating schools C. The students developed skills in critically appraising the socio-emotional mechanisms inherent in racism D. The parents became more involved in achieving overall school goals

Lessons from the past: the role of history education

20. History teaching that relies on multiple perspectives and a discussion of controversial and sensitive topics can serve as a key tool in promoting tolerance and intercultural understanding.

A. True B. False

21. One study in the United Kingdom showed that for Holocaust education to be successful, students need to understand how knowledge of the Holocaust is relevant for contemporary life and also be prepared to act in accordance with their knowledge.

A. True B. False

3.4. Effective Teaching Approaches

22. Which of these are not considered to be very effective methods of providing young people with the knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills needed to succeed in today’s world?

A. Active learning strategies B. Interactive learning strategies C. Lectures D. Providing prepared notes

Cooperative Learning

23. A key aspect of cooperative learning is small homogeneous groups where students work together to create skills that will enhance future independence.

A. True B. False

Service Learning

24. Which IS a correct statement about service learning?

A. It is an educational process which emphasizes socioeconomic learning at school linked to a project at school B. It combines community service with curriculum-based learning C. It allows students who have discipline issues to serve their punishment at school instead of being suspended D. It provides students in rural and low socioeconomic areas with the resources to benefit from high quality technological learning opportunities

Peer education

25. Peer educators can be seen as less distant than teachers and parents, can become positive role models, and can also develop leadership skills.

A. True B. False

26. Each of the following statement about the benefits of Peer Education Work at the Anne Frank House is correct EXCEPT:

A. Increased youth engagement B. Strengthened critical thinking skills C. Increased knowledge of past injustices and present day prejudice D. A significant reduction of absenteeism from school

The role of information technology in promoting tolerance, respect for diversity, and civic responsibility

27. Know My World, a global educational resource connecting people around the world, is:

A. A service-based curriculum which incorporates aspects of community citizenship B. Based on the principle that self-reflection, open discussion, and group projects can make students think about the ways in which they co-exist with cultural similarities and differences C. Used to improve the instructional practice of teachers D. An interactive mobile phone app which focuses on empathy

3.5. Involvement of a wider group of stakeholders/Community-School partnerships

28. Successful community-school partnerships cannot exist in isolation and they need to be flexible, dynamic, and most sensitive to which environment?

A. Global B. Social C. Local D. Cultural

29. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recommends that community schools have teachers and administrators from the same cultural backgrounds in management as a means to create unity.

A. True B. False

The role of parental involvement in whole school approaches and community schooling

30. Which of the following statements is true about successful parent-school partnerships?

A. The relationship is based on mutual respect B. There is a culture of welcome and respectful communication C. There is an acknowledgement of assets and expertise D. All of the above

3.6. Key summary points

31. A whole school approach to embracing diversity and rejecting prejudice and intolerance starts with a school’s mission and ethos, and contains provisions for sustainability.

A. True B. False

CHAPTER 4. TEACHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR DIVERSITY/4.1. Need for teacher preparedness for diversity

32. According to this report, when referring to diversity, which of the following in NOT a true statement?

A. Teachers perceive cultural diversity as a particular problem whose management does not fall within the realm of general school activities or teaching approaches B. Teachers have to deal with their own biases, which are often apparent and unsubtle C. Teachers believe that newcomers should assimilate completely D. Teachers see diversity as a problem

4.3. Continuous professional development (CPD)

33. One recommendation to make diversity training relevant to teachers of different subjects is to mainstream elements of intercultural education and ___________ in all stages of teacher development.

A. Primary language attainment B. Social and emotional learning C. Second language acquisition D. Project based learning

4.4 Diversity in the teaching profession/Lessons for policy and practice

34. A challenge for teachers in a multicultural classroom might be:

A. That they don’t have enough training in technological advances B. That they have biases that can impact the opportunities for minorities C. That they are not proficient in the impact of language acquisition D. They don't have the time to improve awareness of various cultures


35. The Interfaith Youth Movement, “Coexister,” promotes an interactive model, in which living together depends on differences, and where social cohesion is created through differences rather than in spite of them.

A. True B. False


36. Based on this report, in relation to tolerance and promoting respect for diversity, the most effective programs tend to be:

A. Cognizant of global priorities B. Short-term yet flexible C. Sensitive to local demands D. Exclusive

Main conclusions

37. Educational approaches that facilitate a child’s social and _________ development have been shown to be powerful tools in promoting interethnic tolerance and respect for diversity.

A. Emotional B. Pedagogical C. Behavioral D. Civic

What can facilitate the fostering of tolerance and respect for diversity?-Providing high-quality teacher initial education and continuous training on diversity

38. Diversity training for teachers should aim to raise awareness about the conditions that promote positive interactions between people from diverse backgrounds including ethnic, religious, socio-economic status and gender.

A. True B. False


39. One suggestion for teachers of ethnic-and language minority students is to be involved in psychosocial struggles outside the classroom aimed at achieving a more just and humane society.

A. True B. False

40. Whole school teaching approaches to educate against intolerance include developing in students an understanding of the role of race, culture, language and religion in determining:

A. Inclusive attributes B. Individual identity C. Learned sensitivity D. Personal integrity

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