TeachME Professional Development

Enhancing Professional Learning Through Online Communities


1. When integrated into a comprehensive and evidence-based system that is aligned with district goals and processes, online communities of practice and social networks offer a powerful opportunity to strengthen professional learning among educators.

A. True B. False

2. The stories of Bob, Sherri, and Elliott demonstrate that, as districts implement new curriculum to align with high-quality college and career readiness standards, teaching strategies will have to adjust to become more personalized to each student and more focused on:

A. Cohesion B. Complexity C. Inquiry D. Evidence

The Need for Integration

3. As growing evidence affirms the critical need for professional learning and collaboration, the online communities of practice and social networks that educators are embracing are now most commonly linked to school- and district-level support for partnering and professional development.

A. True B. False

4. After participating in online communities, many teachers took on leadership roles and engaged in collaboration with other educators to support professional learning throughout their schools and attempted to influence the public policy that sets the conditions for their work, which is an example of:

A. Immediate value B. Applied value C. Realized value D. Reframing value

Connected Learning Communities-Table 1. The Three Prongs of the Connected Learning Communities Model

5. While personal learning networks tend to focus on personal growth, the intent of professional learning communities is to focus on:

A. Student achievement B. Systemic improvement C. Skill development D. Instruction enhancement

Dynamic Model of Integration

6. When examining how different forms of professional learning and collaboration can work together to support continuous improvement, four paths toward integration are suggested including each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Encourage voluntary individual learning B. Indirectly support individual learning C. Support bounded collaborative learning D. Cultivate connected collaborative learning

Supporting Bounded Collaborative: Professional Learning

7. Collaborative professional learning involves engaging in sustained group activities that produce increased individual knowledge and tangible products and outcomes aligned with the goals of the group(s) and the institution(s) of association.

A. True B. False

8. The National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future developed its STEM Learning Studios model to take site-based collaboration to the next level, where cross-subject teams of teachers, scientists, and engineers, along with students, work together on yearlong projects to investigate key STEM challenges.

A. True B. False

Cultivating Connected Collaborative Professional Learning

9. The connected collaborative learning approach is distinct in that it focuses on local and regional collaboration between individual educators and site-based educator teams.

A. True B. False

Design Principles for Integration

10. The Future Ready Schools: Empowering Educators Through Professional Learning toolkit suggests several design principles that gird the approach to integration, including:

A. Investing in instruction-related professional learning that includes online, blended, and face-to-face, and tapping local educator knowledge and experience B. Identifying research- and standards-based professional learning strategies likely to impact teaching and learning C. Aligning professional learning strategies with the continuous improvement process, and approaching the way professional learning works systemically D. All of the above

11. Job-embedded professional learning is grounded in day-to-day activities and designed to enhance instructional practices with the intent to improve student learning, and it is preferred over of one-shot workshops and focusing on popular topics.

A. True B. False

Teacher Knowledge and Experience

12. Connected educators commonly consider themselves to be lifelong learners, view online interaction as a means to grow personally and professionally, use online technologies to enhance their face-to-face collaborations and relationship building, and are:

A. Goal driven B. Problem solvers C. Change oriented D. Self-directed

Professional Learning Strategies

13. When assessing the value of professional learning, an evaluation tool is recommedned that describes three kinds of evidence including outcomes, objectives, and production.

A. True B. False

Setting a Trajectory and Taking Action

14. District leaders’ should be supported in thinking and acting both systematically and systemically to fine-tune their professional learning by leveraging the power of technology through multifaceted integration.

A. True B. False

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