TeachME Professional Development

Investigating Structured Implementation Methods to Improve Early Childhood Education

The Need for New Approaches to Quality Improvement in Early Care and Education Settings

1. Quality improvement in early care and education (ECE) settings falls into one of three areas, including system-or state-level, program-level, and practitioner-or-staff-level.

A. True B. False

2. Head Start program policies have shifted to promote and incentivize Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) practices. All of the following are evidence of this shift EXCEPT:

A. Head Start has increasingly emphasized the use of data for program improvement B. Head Start programs must conduct annual self-assessments to monitor progress toward program goals C. A recommendation by the Head Start Leadership, Excellence, and Data Systems that professional development should primarily involve improving technology D. The recommendation that Head Start become a “learning organization where decisions about instructional practices and curricula, assessments, monitoring, professional development, and organizational development are integrally linked to each other”

3. Challenges related to the capacity of ECE programs to engage in sustained and meaningful quality improvement processes include staff or leadership turnover, low wages, lack of planning time outside of time with children, and:

A. Poor collaborative goals B. Fear of the unknown C. Lack of high quality communication within the system D. Low levels of education and training on ECE pedagogy

An Overview of Improvement Science

4. Improvement science incorporates insights from EACH of the following theories EXCEPT:

A. Child development B. Systems theory C. Behavioral science D. Implementation science

5. Improvement science views advancement as a collaborative learning process, as well as a top-down effort led by a formal leader.

A. True B. False

Overview of the Breakthrough Series Collaborative

6. The Breakthrough Series Collaborative (BSC) which is carefully facilitated to engage a cohort of program teams in focusing on improving practices, and often includes testing and implementing relevant evidence-based practices, is structured and:

A. Comprehensive B. Short-term C. Ongoing D. Deep-rooted

Overview of the Breakthrough Series Collaborative

7. When referring to the BSC method or process, which is true?

A. A BSC is a precluded process for quality improvement that brings together teams from across exclusive organizations B. A BSC is organized by a branch that provides the financing and expertise to convene, host, and support implementation of the BSC process C. A BSC must be led by a professional association or network D. It brings together a set of five key elements, which are the change framework, multi-level inclusive teams, expert faculty, a shared learning environment, and the model for improvement

8. The creation of a shared learning environment for the BSC includes a phase called “pre-work” that takes place before the learning sessions, the in-person learning sessions, and the periods of time between the learning sessions, which are called:

A. Reflection periods B. Strategy periods C. Action periods D. Absorption periods

Model for Improvement:

9. Which of the following is NOT one of the repeated questions asked as part of the model for improvement?

A. What are we trying to accomplish? B. What obstacles must be prepared for as we implement change? C. How will we know that a change is an improvement? D. What changes can we test that will result in improvement?

A Review of the Literature: BSC Outputs and Outcomes

10. Two decades of research have documented the effects of implementing the BSC methodology, with the majority of BSC literature emerging from the healthcare field.

A. True B. False

11. Successful implementation of the BSC methodology requires participation of a selected team, typically made up of individuals in a range of roles, including front-line staff, supervisors, and administrators, and such participation must be:

A. Thought-provoking B. Extensive C. Meaningful D. Collaborative

12. In one study assessing the use of the BSC to support teachers’ instructional practices, teachers reported improvement in their roles, and in the level of respect they received from peers and:

A. Students B. Parents C. Senior leadership D. Community members

13. According to the authors, ALL of the following are true statements EXCEPT:

A. Overall, the literature examining the implementation and outcomes of the BSC indicate that the methodology has consistent evidence of improving practices in health care and child welfare B. A review of the BSC literature indicates consistently positive findings for organizational, team/practitioner, and recipient outcomes in both the short term and long term C. Outcomes at the administrative level were either not reported or mixed D. The overall findings indicate that the BSC model holds promise for improving the organizational processes and individual practice in the early care and education sector

Considerations and Next Steps for the CCL Project

14. One of the considerations for the next steps for the culture of continuous learning is that during program selection, a process should be in place to screen potential program participants along organizational dimensions, such as culture, infrastructure, capacity, motivation, sufficient time to engage in the BSC, and engagement of key leaders.

A. True B. False

15. Researchers have proposed that there is considerable information on the attributes of the BSC most likely to facilitate change, therefore making it plausible to maximize the effectiveness and transferability of this model as a strategy for driving change.

A. True B. False

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