TeachME Professional Development

Homeschooling and Personalized Learning

What Makes Home Schooling So Successful?/Increases Parental Involvement

1. According to this report, homeschooling is the only educational approach in which youth of low SES achieve at levels that are as high scholastically as those of their high-SES counterparts.

A. True B. Fasle

2. ALL of the following are mentioned regarding the relationship between parents, students, and public school teachers EXCEPT:

A. Parents have an advantage over teachers because they are more likely to have a deeper love for their children and a thorough knowledge of them as individuals B. Educators need to use more than verbal communication to draw in parents C. Since the early 1900s, schooling has emphasized teachers supporting and loving students instead of emphasizing proper methodology and pedagogy. D. Parents need the instructional knowledge that teachers possess, and teachers need the knowledge of the child that parents possess

Provides for Less Standardization and More Freedom

3. Compared to traditional school programs, homeschooling generally relies considerably less on standardized testing and:

A. Educational freedom B. Government mandates C. Technology D. Established curriculum frameworks

Enables More Individualized Instruction

4. The homeschooling approach is more individualized because, for many years, children tend to have the same:

A. Instructor B. Expectations C. Pedagogy D. Schedule

5. At the global level, the American system of education is praised most for encouraging its students to develop high levels of scientific and technical knowledge.

A. True B. False

6. ALL the following are true about the use of technology in public schools and homeschools EXCEPT:

A. Using technology in homeschools enables children to explore the world more freely than in typical schools B. Public schools rarely require or supply iPads, laptops, or other technological equipment C. According to many professors, many public high school graduates enter college inadequately prepared to use some of the most important scholastic applications electronically available D. Using technology in homeschools help youth develop levels of technological skills that would generally not be possible in a public school environment

Allows Specialization in a Particular Discipline

7. What are some steps teachers can take to allow for greater flexibility in the classroom experience?

A. Older students can be asked what courses they intend to take in the next few years and prepare in advance for those courses in order to increase proficiency B. Teachers can ask students about what they would most like to learn and accomplish during their school years C. Students can be asked about their career interests D. All of the above

Action Principles for States, Districts, and Schools

8. At the district level, lessons that could be learned from the practice of homeschooling include training teachers how to best help youngsters who entered public school from a homeschooling environment, becoming more focused on the good of the overall student population in the district rather than only those who attend public school specifically, and

A. Placing more emphasis on individual children than on local mandates B. Valuing social and character-based education more C. Offering parents courses on how to be more effectively engaged in a child’s schooling D. Providing policy that supports technology-based instruction and learning

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